Parker Unified School District Title IX Coordinator's Page

Joanna Hermes, Assistant Superintendent and Title IX Coordinator

1608 Laguna Avenue

Parker, AZ 85344

928-669-9244 ext. 1400

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Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in education and in employment. Any person that believes they have been harassed or discriminated against based on his/her sex can file a complaint by contacting the District’s Title IX Coordinator.

The Parker Unified School District affirms that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, natural origin, sex, age, or disability in access or admission to, success or treatment in, any of its educational programs, activities, or employment opportunities.

For information regarding the training provided to the Title IX coordinator, please contact Joanna Hermes at

Parker Unified School District Title IX Formal Complaint Form