Curriculum & Federal Projects
Board Meeting Schedules: Regular Board Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month in the PHS Media Center at 6:00 p.m. - Public Meeting
Board Agendas and Minutes are posted in front of the District Office located at 1608 Laguna Ave and on the district website.
Work sessions are held, if necessary, the fourth Wednesday of each month in the District Office Conference Room.
Board Responsibilities: The Governing Board is the policy-making body of the school district, working within the framework of State and Federal laws. The Governing Board has the authority and responsibilities for providing an educational program for students living within the district.
Election of Governing Board Members: Governing Board members are elected for 4-year terms. Board members are not compensated for the position. In the case of a vacancy on the Board during the non-expired term of a member, the majority of the Board may recommend someone to fill the vacancy. Final approval is made by the County School Superintendent.
Conflict Resolution: Most issues can and should be resolved by building-level school principals before being brought before the Governing Board. If a conflict needs more attention, the next step is to contact the District Office and communicate with the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent. If the issue is still not resolved, it will be brought before the Board as an agenda item.
Meetings of the Governing Board: Governing Board meetings are open to the public. A visitor who wishes to be officially recognized and placed on the agenda should contact the Board Secretary prior to the board meeting and complete the Request to Address Governing Board form. Visitors are required to keep comments to a three-minute maximum. The Governing Board is not able to comment to any comments made, but can direct an administrator to follow up on the issues raised.
Left to right: Mr. Short, President, Mrs. Flores, Mrs. Beaver, Mrs. Ferris and Mr. Hartless